Motion graphics designer with an MFA in Digital Arts from Rhode Island School of Design. Extensive experience in the finance, experiential marketing, and entertainment industries.

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Motion graphics designer with an MFA in Digital Arts from Rhode Island School of Design. Extensive experience in producing high-impact promotional videos, social media campaigns, marketing materials, and data visualizations in the finance, experiential marketing, and entertainment industries.

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Sound Interactive Installation Art

is a sound interactive installation work that “interpellates” love out of the record of three years that’s sinking in the digital environment. For three years I was in a long-distance relationship, me being in Korea and the other in Germany. Because it was impossible for us to be together physically, we spent time together and whispered words of love in the digital environment—a chat app and video calls—most of the time. Although our relationship has ended, the text, video, and voice messages we shared are still drifting in the virtual world. In this work I visualize the data as ripples and attempt to interpellate the identity of the relationship, which already had vanished, by hailing the words that used to give us the identities as lovers. I collaborated with technical director, SeongHyun Kim.

*”interpellation” describes the process by which ideology, embodied in private and political institutions, constitutes the very nature of individual subjects' identities through the process of "hailing" them in social interactions.
© Songan Kyung